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Floating Front Motor Plate Mount

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Price: $245.00
Item Number: KRP-1505
Manufacturer: King Racing Products
THIS IS THE Breakthrough Item of the Year! Everyone is trying to get their Chassis to flex more and get better Drive Off The Corner. Well here's the answer, a Floating Front Motorplate. First you mount the Horseshoe Plate to your Motor with the supplied 3/8" N/C Flush Head Allen Bolts, then bolt the Motorplate out to the Frame and let it FLEX. Both pieces are captured together with a 4130 Spherical Bearing that lets the two pieces do their MAGIC!! This Motorplate works so good that it even has a Bolt to lock it together so when the Track is Tacky or has Rubber down it won't move; yep it just acts like a Standard Motorplate. Tested by Awesome Aussie Pete Murphy and USAC Champion Cory Kruseman. It Even Comes Anodized Black!! Eliminates Crash Block Damage!
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